- Bozdag G, Polat M, Yarali Ozbek I, Mumusoglu S, Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Yarali H. Extended culture and Day-5 transfer of frozen-thawed cleavage stage embryos is associated with higher implantation rate when compared with embryos frozen-thawed-transferred at the cleavage stage. P142. 33nd ESHRE Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2-5, 2017.
- Mumusoglu S, Polat M, Yarali Ozbek I, Bozdag G, Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Yarali H. Pre-implantation genetic testing does not decrease cumulative drop-out rate when compared to standard in-vitro fertilization in women with advanced maternal age. P587. 33nd ESHRE Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2-5, 2017.
- Polat M, Bozdag G, Yarali Ozbek I, Mumusoglu S, Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Yarali H. Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) is particularly more cost-effective in 41-42 yr-old women: A cost-effectiveness analysis of PGT in women with advanced maternal age. P605. 33nd ESHRE Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2-5, 2017.
- Mumusoglu S, Yarali Ozbek I, Polat M, Bozdag G, Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Yarali H. Low follicular output rate (FORT) is associated with higher cycle cancellation but similar ongoing pregnancy rates per cycle commenced in normo-and hyper-responders. Volume 108, September 2017, Issue 3, Supplement, Pages e227–e228 P318.
- Mumusoglu S, Cetiner S, Yarali Ozbek I, Polat M, Bozdag G, Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Yarali H. Risk factors for unexpected follicular stagnation and treatment outcome with LH supplementation. O45-1205. COGI25, O068, December 1-2, 2017.
- Mumusoglu S, Yarali Ozbek I, Polat M, Bozdag G, Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Yarali H. Antral follicle count quartile is an independent predictor of ongoing pregnancy in sub-optimal responders. P91-1206. COGI25, P216, December 1-2, 2017.
- Mumusoglu S, Yarali I, Polat M, Bozdag G, Yarali H. Time-lapse analysis does not further predict implantation potential of euploid blastocysts in women with advanced maternal age (AMA). P206. 32nd ESHRE Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland from 3 to 6 July 2016.
- Yarali I, Mumusoglu S, Polat M, Bozdag G, Yarali H. Does morphokinetic assessment predict blastocyst ploidy status? P207. 32nd ESHRE Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland from 3 to 6 July 2016.
- Bozdag G, Tokdemir Calis P, Ozel Demiralp D, Ayhan B, Igci N, Yarali H. Non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis: examination of cervical fluid with infrared spectroscopy. P265. ESHRE-2013, July 7-10 2013, Londra, UK.
- Kasapoglu T, Polat M, Boynukalin K, Bozdag G, Yarali H. Oral contraceptive treatment is detrimental for pregnancy outcome in poor ovarian responders undergoing IVF employing the letrozole/antagonist protocol. O342. ASRM-2013, November 12-17 2013, Boston, Massachusetts, ABD.
- Polat M, Boynukalin FK, Sinanoglu Ekin B, Yarali I, Yarali H. Transient intrauterine (IU) or intracervical (IC) fluid accumulation (FA) not due to hydrosalpinx or any identifiable pelvic pathology is not detrimental to IVF outcome. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 100, Issue 3, Supplement, September 2013, P1245. ASRM-2013, November 12-17 2013, Boston, Massachusetts, ABD.
- Dogan S, Bozdag G, Esinler I, Polat M, Yarali H. Gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist versus agonist protocol in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. P573. ESHRE-2012, July 1-4, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Yapıcı Coskun Z, Bozdag G, Yıldız B O, Esinler I, Yarali H. Comparison of morphological findings by two- and three-dimensional ultrasound in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and otherwise healthy women. O-226. ESHRE-2012, July 1-4, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. ESHRE-2012, July 1-4, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Esinler I, Bozdag G, Sakinci M, Gunalp S and Yarali H. Salpingectomy and cornual ligation achieve comparable outcome in patients with hydrosalpinx undergoing ICSI. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 86, Issue 3, Supplement 1, September 2006, P130. ASRM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 21-25, 2006.
- Bozdag G, Esinler I, Ayhan A and Yarali H. Second pregnancy after intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection in a patient with stage I endometrial carcinoma treated with fertility-saving surgery and progestins. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 86, Issue 3, Supplement 1, September 2006, P482. ASRM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 21-25, 2006.
- Esinler I, Bozdag G, Gunalp S and Yarali H. ICSI performance of women with single ovary. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 86, Issue 3, Supplement 1, September 2006, P730. ASRM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 21-25, 2006.
- Esinler I, Bozdag G, Gunalp S and Yarali H. Microdose flare-up protocol is not superior to luteal long leuprolide acetete protocol in patients greater than 38 year old with low antral follicle count. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 86, Issue 3, Supplement 1, September 2006, P816. ASRM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 21-25, 2006.
- Başaran A, Bozdağ G, Kil B, Deren O, Esinler İ, Yarali H. An oocytes pick-up procedure complicated with pseudoaneurysm of the internal iliac artery. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, October 21-25, 2006, New Orleans, USA, Abstract No P-526, S 329-330
- Esinler I, Bozdag G, Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Gunalp S, Aksu T, Yarali H. Endometrial thickness >14 mm on the day of hCG is associated with higher clinical pregnancy and implantation rates. P330. 21th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Copenhagen, DENMARK, 19-22 June 2005.
- Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Sever A, Esinler I, Bozdag G, Gunalp S, Aksu T, Yarali H, Alagoz M. Multinucleation is associated with high oocyte yield but comparable clinical pregnancy and implantation rates in ICSI cycles. P423. 21th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Copenhagen, DENMARK, 19-22 June 2005.
- Yarali H, Bozdag G. An ongoing pregnancy after frozen thawed embryo transfer in a patient with Klinefelter syndrome. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 84, Supplement 1, September 2005, P65. ASRM Annual Meeting October 15-19, 2005, Montreal, CANADA.
- Bozdag G, Esinler I, Cevrioglu S, Demirtas E, Bayar U, Yarali H. Hysteroscopic resection of minimal subseptum may have detrimental effect on ICSI-ET outcome. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 84, Supplement 1, September 2005, P855 ASRM Annual Meeting October 15-19, 2005, Montreal, CANADA
- Bozdag G, Esinler I, Sever A, Bayar U, Karakaya C, Yarali H. The retention of the embryos in the embryo transfer catheter does not affect ICSI-ET outcome. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 84, Supplement 1, September 2005, P561. ASRM Annual Meeting October 15-19, 2005, Montreal, CANADA.
- Bozdag G, Esinler I, Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Karakaya C, Gunalp S, Yarali H. The evaluation of embryo transfer depth in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 84, Supplement 1, September 2005, P573. ASRM Annual Meeting October 15-19, 2005, Montreal, CANADA
- Esinler I, Bozdag G, Yarali H. Does obesity have an adverse affect on conception rates with ICSI? Fertility and Sterility, Volume 84, Supplement 1, September 2005, P297. ASRM Annual Meeting October 15-19, 2005, Montreal, CANADA
- Esinler I, Bayar U, Bozdag G, Yarali H. How to deal hyperresponders in ICSI? Coasting versus non-coasting. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 84, Supplement 1, September 2005, P353. ASRM Annual Meeting October 15-19, 2005, Montreal, CANADA.
- Cevrioglu A.S, Esinler I, Bozdag G, Yarali H. Easiness of embryo transfer predicts endometrial damage as assessed by hysteroscopy. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 84, Supplement 1, September 2005, O128. ASRM Annual Meeting October 15-19, 2005, Montreal, CANADA.
- Karakoc Sokmensuer L, Sever A, Esinler I, Bozdag G, Yarali H. Comparison of ICSI outcome using Vitrolife G3 vs. LifeGlobal series culture media. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 84, Supplement 1, September 2005, P621. ASRM Annual Meeting October 15-19, 2005, Montreal, CANADA
- Saygili-Yilmaz E, Esinler I, Bozdag G, Halicigil C, Aybar F, Yarali H. E2 drop during luteal-long leuprolide acetate protocol does not have a negative impact on ICSI and ET outcome. P214. ASRM 60th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 16-20, 2004.
- Yarali H, Demirtas E, Bozdag G, Bozkurt N, Aksu T. Liberal performing of Office hysteroscopy in the presence of normal HSG does not improve ICSI and ET outcome. P207. ASRM 60th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 16-20, 2004.
- Aybar F, Bozdag G, Esinler I, Aksu T, Saygili-Yilmaz E, Yarali H. Prior uni- or bilateral endometrioma cystectomy does not worsen intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and embryo transfer (ET) outcome. P208. ASRM 60th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 16-20, 2004.
- Polat D, Demirtaş E, Başaran M, Bayrak A, Yarali H: Decreased serum paraoxonase activity: An additional risk factor for atherosclerotic heart disease in patients with PCOS? P468. 60th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, October 16-20, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Abstract No P-468, S 300-301.
- Yarali H, Yıldız BO, Demirol A, Zeyneloglu HB, Yiğit N, Bükülmez O: Co-administration of metformin during recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (recombinant FSH) treatment using the low-dose step-up protocol in patients with clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): a prospective randomized trial. O94. 57th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, 2001.
- Yarali H, Başaran M, Yiğit N, Bükülmez O, Bildirici I: Gonadotropin treatment using the low-dose step-up protocol in patients with clomiphene citrate (CC) resistant polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): factors affecting outcome. P291. 57th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, 2001.
- Günalp S, Öncüloğlu C, Yarali H, Bükülmez O, Aksu T: A rare spermatogenetic disorder , globozoospermia: is there a role for Y chromosome microdeletions? P392. 57th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, 2001.
- Bükülmez O, Bildirici I, Ensari A, Yarali H: The effect of salpingectomy on endometrial receptivity in women with communicating hydrsalpinges. P426. 57th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, 2001.
- Yarali H, Yiğit N, Erdil E, Başaran M, Tuncer R, Aksu T: Difficult embryo trasnfer without ultrasonographic guidance does not result in inferior pregnancy rates following ICSI. P391. 18th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, July 1-3, 2002, Vienna, Hum Reprod 17.
- Erdil E, Akdoğan B, Halıcıgil C, Aksu T, Yarali H: Prior daignostic testicle biopsy cannot highly predict the success or failure or retrieval of sperm at testicular sperm extraction. P301. 18th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, July 1-3, 2002, Vienna, Hum Reprod 17.
- Halıcıgil C, Erdil E, Yiğit N, Başaran M, Aksu T, Yarali H: Does the oolemma breakage pattern during ICSI affect fertilization rates and embryo quality? P376. 18th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, July 1-3, 2002, Vienna, Hum Reprod 17.
- Aksu T, Yarali H, Halıcıgil C, Erdil E, Başaran M, Tuncer R: Does depth of embryo transfer without ultrasonographic guidance predict sucess in ICSI cycles? P482. 18th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, July 1-3, 2002, Vienna, Hum Reprod 17.
- Yarali H, Karçaaltıncaba D, Bükülmez O, Gürgan T: Stop-leuprolide acetate protocol does not yield a better ovarian response compared to luteal-long protocol with recombinant gonadotropin in patients with previous poor ovarian response undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection. P184. 56th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, 2001.
- Bukulmez O, Al A, Gurdal H, Yarali H, Ulug B, Gurgan T: Short-term effects of three continuous hormone replacement therapy regimens on platelet 3H-imipramine binding and mood scores: a prospective randomized pre-post trial. O72. 56th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, 2000.
- Bukulmez O, Zeyneloglu HB, Yarali H, Gurgan T: Evaluation of recombinant FSH and highly purified urinary FSH in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles. P183. 56th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, 2000.
- Bukulmez O, Yarali H, Bildirici İ, Gurgan T: The effects of uterine fibroids on intracytoplasmic injection outcome. P354. 56th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, 2000.
- Yarali H, Yıldırır A, Aybar F, Kabakçı G, Demirol A, Bükülmez O, Zeyneloğlu HB, Akgül E, Oto A, Gürgan T: Left ventricular diastolic functions may be impaired in PCOS. 0180. 16th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, June 25-28, 2000, Bologna, Italy, O-180, Hum Reprod 15.
- Bükülmez O, Demirol A, Yarali H, Gürgan T: Obstetric and perinatal outcome of twin IVF and ICSI pregnancies. P099. 16th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, June 25-28, 2000, Bologna, Italy, Hum Reprod 15.
- Bükülmez O, Yücel A, Yarali H, Sarı T, Girgin B, Günalp S, Gürgan T: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) versus in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in pure tubal factor infertility: A prospective randomized trial. O005. ESHRE 15th Annual Meeting, June 27-30, 1999, Tours, France, Human Reproduction, vol 14, 3.
- Bükülmez O, Yücel A, Yarali H, Sarı T, Günalp S, Gürgan T: Male age affects embryo quality in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). 0141. ESHRE 15th Annual Meeting, June 27-30, 1999, Tours, France, Human Reproduction, vol 14, 78.
- Bükülmez O, Yücel A, Yarali H, Sarı T, Pehlivan A, Günalp S, Gürgan T: The presence and extent of endometriosis do not affect clinical pregnancy and individual implantation rates in patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and embryo transfer (ET). 0220. ESHRE 15th Annual Meeting, June 27-30, 1999, Tours, France, Human Reproduction, vol 14, 122.
- Bükülmez O, Yücel A, Yarali H, Sarı T, Günalp S, Gürgan T: Testicular spermatozoa in non-obstructive azospermia yields lower clinical pregnancy rates compared to ejaculated spermatozoa in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and embryo transfer (ET). P-067. ESHRE 15th Annual Meeting, June 27-30, 1999, Tours, France, Human Reproduction, vol 14, 174.
- Yarali H, Demirol A, Bükülmez O, Gürgan T: Obstetric outcome of singleton pregnancies achieved by in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). P-064. 55th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, September 25-30, 1999, Toronto, Canada, S110-1.
- Yıldırır A, Aybar F, Yarali H, Kabakcı G, Bükülmez O, Akgül E, Oto A, Tokgözoğlu L, Gürgan T: Effect of hormone replacement therapy on left ventricular functions, late potential and heart rate variability. 0-167. 55th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, September 25-30, 1999, Toronto, Canada, S65.
- Yarali H, Bükülmez O, Al A, Gürgan T: Adhesion reformation and pregnancy rates following hysteroscopic lysis of intrauterine synechiae. P-156. 55th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, September 25-30, 1999, Toronto, Canada, S139.
- Yarali H, Bükülmez O, Belli S, Gürgan T: Low-dose step-up protocol in clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic overy syndrome patients: An analysis of 116 cycles. P-245. ESHRE 14th Annual Meeting, June 21-24, 1998, Göteborg, Sweden, Human Reproduction,, vol 13, 251.
- Bükülmez O, Yarali H, Gürgan T: The effect of number of embryos transferred on clinical pregnancy rates in women of advanced age undergoing ICSI. R-048. ESHRE 14th Annual Meeting, June 21-24, 1998, Göteborg, Sweden, Human Reproduction, vol 13, 290.
- Yarali H, Bükülmez O, Gürgan T: The number of Grade 1 embryos transferred is the most important determinant of clinical pregnancy in patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection. P-970. IFFS’98 and 54th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 4-9, 1998, San Francisco, USA, Fertil Steril P-970, vol 70, S-428-9.
- Terzioğlu Koçak F, Taskın L, Yarali H, Gürgan T: An intensive counseling program improves anxiety, depression and life satisfaction scores in IVF or ICSI. OC-03-026. 10th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction, May 24-28, 1997, Vancouver, Canada, J Assis Reprod Genetics, 48S.
- Duran H, Günalp S, Yarali H, Enginsu E, Ayhan A, Gürgan T: A logistic regression model including deoxyribonucleic acid status and morphology of sperm to predict fertilization in vitro. PP-18-410. 10th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction, May 24-28, 1997, Vancouver, Canada, J Assis Reprod Genetics, 197S.
- Gürgan T, Yarali H, Bükülmez O, Dağlı V, Şahin A: Treatment of clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic ovary syndrome with low-dose step-up protocol: Comparison of recombinant and pure follicle stimulating hormone. 0-173. ESHRE 13th Annual Meeting, June 22-25, 1997, Edinburgh, England, Human Reproduction, vol12: 85.
- Gurgan T, Yarali H. Bukulmez O, Tanır M, Çolak F, Belli S. Serum and peritoneal fluid concentrations of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-III in endometriosis. 0-228. ESHRE 13th Annual Meeting, June 22-25, 1997, Edinburgh, England, Human Reproduction, vol12: 112-113.
- Gürgan T, Urman B, Yarali H, Aksu T, Bora F, Kişnişçi HA: IVF results in couples with unexplained infertility failing to conceive after 4 cycles of superovulation and IUI. OC-177. IXth World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, April 3-7, 1995, Vienna, Austria, 71S.
- Gürgan T, Urman B, Yarali H, Aksu T, Çöplü S, Kişnişçi HA: Genital tuberculosis is a poor prognostic indication in IVF-ET. OC-315. IXth World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, April 3-7, 1995, Vienna, Austria, 105S.
- Gürgan T, Urman B, Yarali H, Aksu T, Enginsu E: The effect of serum progesterone concentration on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin on fertilization and pregnancy rates in gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue IVF-ET cycles. Abstract No 258. ESHRE 11th Annual Meeting, June 28-July 1, 1995, Hamburg, Germany, , page 122.
- Gurgan T, Yarali H, Urman B, Aksu T, Doğan L, Duran H: Laparoscopic ovarian dermoid cystectomy. AAGL 2th Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 1995. Orlando, USA.
- Gurgan T, Yarali H, Urman B, Dağlı V, Doğal L: Uterine rupture at 36 weeks' gestation following hysteroscopic lysis of synechiae due to tuberculosis and accidental uterine perforation. AAGL 24th Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 1995, Orlando, USA.
- Gurgan T, Urman B, Yarali H, Aksu T, Kisnisci HA. Results of Second-Look Laparoscopy Following Removal of Endometriomata. S-13. AAGL 23rd Annual Meeting, October 18-23, 1994, New York, USA, page 13.
- Gürgan T, Urman B, Yarali H, Aksu T. Kiþniþçi HA: IVF results in couples with unexplained infertility who failed to conceive after four cycles of superovulation and intrauterine insemination. Abstract no 305. ESHRE 10th Annual Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, June 25 - 29, 1994, page 118
- Urman B, Gürgan T, Aksu T, Yarali H, Kişnişçi HA: Fluid accumulation in the uterine cavity due to partial obstruction of the endocervical canal during oocyte retrieval for IVF-ET. Abstract No 98. ESHRE 9th Annual Meeting, June 27-30, 1993, Thessaloniki, Greece, page 38.
- Gürgan T, Urman B, Yarali H, Aksu T, Kişnişçi HA: Salpingoscopic findings in salpingitis isthmica nodosa. page 72. World Congress of Gynecologic Endoscopy, AAGL 22nd Annual Meeting, Nowember 10-14, 1993, San Francisco, California, USA.
- Gürgan T, Kişnişçi HA, Yarali H, Develioğlu O, Zeyneloğlu HB, Aksu T, Caner C: Evaluation of the functional status of the fallopian tubes in unexplained infertility with radionuclide hysterosalpingography. The Fallopian Tube. Page 3. April 1-3, 1992, London, United Kingdom.
- Zahradka B, Yarali H, Gomel V: The effect of hyaluronic acid membrane on prevention of adhesion formation and reformation. P-173. 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, November 2-5, 1992, New Orleans, USA, S 100.
- Yarali H, Lee NH, Mc Comb PF: The site of post-tuboplasty ectopic gregnancy is determined by tubal disease rather than the type of surgery. P-187. 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, November 2-5, 1992, New Orleans, USA, S 102.
- Yarali H, Fluker MR, Ho Yuen B: Ovarian response during consecutive human menopausal gonadotropin cycles in women with WHO Group II anovulation. FP- 31. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, November 25-28, 1992, Alberta, Canada, page 47.
- Gürgan T, Kişnişçi HA, Yarali H, Erden I, Develioğlu O, Zeyneloğlu HB: Doppler color flow imaging (DCFI) in the assessment of fallopian tubal patency. Abstract no 79. 7th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and the seventh World Congress on IVF and Assisted Procreation, June 28 - July 3, 1991, Paris, France, page 28-9.
- Gürgan T, Kişnişçi HA, Zeyneloğlu HB, Yarali H, Develioğlu O and Aksu T: Pelvic tuberculosis with elevated serum CA-125 levels. P-64. 7th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and the seventh World Congresss on IVF and Assisted Procreation, June 28 - July 3, 1991, Paris, France, page 78-9.
- Gürgan T, Kişnişçi HA, Yarali H, Aksu T, Zeyneloğlu H: The effect of short-interval second-look laparoscopy (SSLL) on pregnancy outcome following ND: yag laser photocoagulation of polystic ovarian disease (PCOD). Abstract no 1656. XIII World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 1991. Singapore, page 413.
- Gürgan T, Kişnişçi HA, Yarali H, Zeyneloğlu HB, Develioğlu O: The value of human menopausal gonadotropin treatment in patients with unexplained infertility. Abstract no 165. VII World Congress on Human Reproduction, June 26 - July 1, 1990, Helsinki, Finland, Abstract no 165.
- Gürgan T, Kişnişçi HA, Yarali H, Ayhan AT, Develioğlu O: Serum and peritoneal fluid CA-125 levels in early stage endometriosis. Abstract no 301. ESHRE' 90 II Joint Meeting, August 29th-September 1st, 1990, Milan-Italy, page 92.
- Gürgan T, Kişnişçi HA, Yarali H, Aksu T: Laparoscopic treatment of polycystic ovarian disease. VIth European Congress of Hysteroscopy and Endoscopic Surgery, Abstract no 9. Lausanne, Switzerland September 13-15, 1990, page 20

Prof. Dr. Hakan Yaralı